Prasad Mahajani

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Do You want to Learn Vedic Astrology?

DO You want to Know More About Yourself Through Vedic Astrology?

Do You Love vedic Astrology But

You Get Overwhelmed by the Rules in Vedic Astrology?

Do you want to Start Your Journey into Vedic Astrology.?

then You are welcome to Pramanik Astrology


Prasad Mahajani is a Passionate Vedic Astrology student for more than last 10 years.

Pramanik Astrology is a channel through which I share my knowledge and Insights on the vedic Astrology and Spirituality.

My Mission is to Raise the Vibration of Planet EARTH, And Help people Become the Best version of themselves. Help them Become who they truly are with the help of vedic Astrology. If you raise Your own Vibrations you are helping to raise the Vibration of the planet. Thus I always Believe in the high Vibration Stuff. I like to Observe the Universe in the form of Energy, Frequency and Vibrations. Love and Peace are the Highest Vibrating human Emotions.

Vedic Astrology is far more than the Relationship compatibility, the Love compatibility, SUN Sign/MOON Sign, Daily/Weekly/Monthly Horoscope,  It is the Ocean of knowledge wherein one lifetime is not enough to learn it. I feel everybody should Learn the Vedic Astrology Science at least for their own benefit. I feel there is a Reason why I am learning this Sacred science in this lifetime and there is a reason why you are reading this.

People look up to Prasad Mahajani and Pramanik Astrology for Genuine Counselling and Inspiring insights from their horoscope/Birth Chart in whatever life situations they are in and helps them Navigate through it by giving them the perspective in life. which ultimately helps them Become their best versions and Become who they truly are. 

Prasad Mahajani also Host a YouTube Channel "Pramanik Astrology Channel".



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